Объемная холодного выдавливания деталь1

Объемная холодного выдавливания деталь2

31, Solnechnaya st., Voronezh, 394026
E-mail: vtmp@tmp-press.com

Home ProductsDie Forging EquipmentМоdel K0036 400 tf Capacity

Моdel K0036 400 tf Capacity

Теchnical Specifications

Nominal capacity, tf 400
Rated distance of the slide above bottom, mm 15
Slide stroke, mm 250
Number of continuous strokes, min-1 25 - 40
Die height, mm 700
Adjustment, mm 15
Slide dimensions, mm
left to right
front to back
Table dimensions, mm
left to right
front to back
Main drive electric motor power, kW 75
Technological operation at maximum number of automatic strokes of the slide, kgm             6500
  • With optional changes to technical specifications.
  • The type and specification of the upper and lower knock-outs are defined by the customer’s technical requirements.

Cold Extrusion Press

Designed for production of accurate size parts with minimum machining in large-scale and mass production.

  • Modified knuckle-joint drive.
  • Frame rigid welded construction.
  • High quality of produced forgings.
  • Availability of multi-position lower and upper knock-outs of maximum forces and strokes.
  • Mechanical adjustment of shut height.
  • Centralized oil lubrication with control of lubrication supply to each point.
  • Minimum speed of deformation sharply increasing tool life.
  • Press operates is automatic mode.


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