Rolling and production of shells, sheet metal, copper pipes
In addition to the production of press-forging equipment, its installation, maintenance and modernization, Voronezh Heavy Power Press Plant also provides production services of metal rolling, forging, cutting gear teeth of different types, as well as production of shells (the range of these services can be significantly extended depending on the needs of the single client and the specifics of its activities).
Metal rolling is a processing treatment of metal, whereby the metal is deformed in the preset direction. OJSC "Tyazhmechpress" has been providing the rolling services for many years and has accumulated rich experience in this craft. Our highly qualified specialists will cope with the task of any complexity relating to the rolling of sheet metal. Cutting-edge technology and TMP first-class equipment make Voronezh Heavy Power Press Plant one of the most important and leading players at the market of rendering services of the rolling of the sheet with different physical and chemical characteristics.
The quality of our work is confirmed by our high achievements and numerous national, regional and international awards. Over the decades, OJSC "Tyazhmechpress" has been successfully passing recertification to the quality management standard ISO 9001. The quality of our products and services meets and often exceeds the requirements established by national and international standards. Thereby, rolling of copper pipes, for example, is carried out on special equipment that provides the results that exceed the requirements of generally accepted quality standards. It is worth noting that the above mentioned is true not only for rolling of pipes, but also for many other services provided by our company.
Our clients are holding companies and large enterprises of the construction, oil, motor-car construction industries and other sectors of heavy and light industry, as well as small and medium business, which need the services of shells rolling.
The highest quality is the main criterion and guide in our work. Starting its work at the market in the middle of the last century, Voronezh Heavy Power Press Plant has developed an excellent reputation, which it prizes and regularly confirms to this today.
Production of shells is a complex technological process developed by professional technologists and requiring complex production equipment, highly qualified staff and relevant experience. We have all the above mentioned characteristics and offer you our services of metal shells rolling.
We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our work and we will cooperate for many years! High quality, strict adherence to the deadlines and reasonable prices will not leave you indifferent. Together, we can cope with any tasks!